Sunday, April 6, 2014

7 Very Early Signs of Pregnancy That You Might Be Pregnant

Early Pregnancy Signs - Indeed, the only way to find out if you are pregnant or not is to take a pregnancy test, but often it may not be the right time to get accurate results. However, if you stay watchful for the following early signs of pregnancy, then you will know beforehand what to expect from the pregnancy test that you will be taking, and these 7 Early Pregnancy Signs :

1. Fatigue
Perhaps the most common symptom of early pregnancy is extreme fatigue that cannot be explained. If you believe that you may be pregnant, then avoid drinking caffeinated beverages to treat it. Instead, take things easy and give your body as much rest as you can.

2. Food Aversions
You could be pregnant if looking at food makes you gag and wince. Such food aversions are reported by many women as one of the first early pregnancy symptoms. An increase in the levels of the hormone beta-hCG hormone is regard as the cause of these food aversions.

3. Frequent Urination
Growth of the uterus and the pressure this puts on the bladder in early pregnancy can trigger the urge to urinate more frequently. This is one of the early signs of pregnancy that cannot be avoided, but you can get a little more sleep if you go to the bathroom before you go to bed.

4. Nausea & Vomiting
One of Early Pregnancy Signs that you might be pregnant includes nausea and vomiting, which can be blamed on the fact that hormone levels tend to rise in early pregnancy. Morning sickness is only an indication of growing pregnancy and you can reassure yourself that it will probably pass after 19 weeks.

5. Sensitivity to Smells
During the early stages of pregnancy, you may start getting queasy because of smells were pleasing and those that were never pleasant but still never did so before. For some women who are not sure whether they are expecting or not, this can be a tip-off.

6. Shortness of Breath
If you have just become pregnant, one of the early pregnancy symptoms is that you may feel a bit short of breath, perhaps even through pregnancy. This is because extra oxygen is needed for the growing embryo; however, if the breathlessness gets really concerning, it would be better to consulting with a doctor.

7. Swelling & Tenderness in the Breasts
Another early sign that you might be pregnant is changes in your breasts, especially swelling and tenderness. The best thing that can be done is to wear a better bra, perhaps a sports bra for more support.

Early Pregnancy Signs tend to vary from one woman to another, but the above early signs of pregnancy are typically experienced by most women who are expecting.
Title: 7 Very Early Signs of Pregnancy That You Might Be Pregnant; Written by Unknown; Rating: 5 dari 5

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