Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to stay healthy during pregnancy ?

how to stay healthy during pregnancy
how to stay healthy during pregnancy
How to stay healthy during pregnancy - For most women, pregnancy is a time of great joy, excitement and anticipation. Pregnancy is a time of physical and emotional change when lots of changes occur naturally within your body. If you are a smoker, then use your pregnancy, or the time when you are planning pregnancy to quit smoking and stay quit after the baby is born. Maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of non-syndromic orofacial clefts in infants. Smoking during pregnancy is a very bad choice. Pregnancy is a time to "listen'' to your body - it is not a time to be dieting, and trying to lose weight.

How to have a Healthy Pregnancy ?

The key to a healthy pregnancy is planning it in the first place. Eating well can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy newborn - Healthy mum, healthy pregnancy. If you try to stay as healthy as you can during your pregnancy this will give you the best chance of delivering a healthy baby at full term.
As an expectant mother, your top priority should be healthy eating. Eating well should begin before you become pregnant so your body will be stocked up with the nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy.

Shortly after finding out that you have conceived you should see a doctor, as your doctor can explain to you about healthy pregnancy weight gain. Staying healthy is doubly important when you're pregnant.
Exercise is also an important part of a healthy pregnancy, exercise can help you return to your pre-pregnancy weight faster and also have a faster, easier birth.

Adequate sleep is essential to promote a healthy pregnancy. Talking with a health care provider is one of the
how to have a healthy pregnancy
how to have a healthy pregnancy
most important things women and families can do to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. Even before conception, it is absolutely essential to plan for a healthy pregnancy. A healthy lifestyle, even before you become pregnant is the best way to give your baby a healthy start. If you're planning to become pregnant, prepare for a healthy pregnancy by taking care of medical and dental concerns beforehand. Pregnancy is NOT the time to be on a weight loss program.

What Are The First or the earliest pregnancy Symptoms ?

In my experience, very earliest pregnancy symptoms  are not always text book. There are many different signs and symptoms of pregnancy, and although most women expect certain symptoms to come with pregnancy, these do vary according to individual women and to their individual pregnancies. The earliest symptoms of pregnancy are generally nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness, but not everybody experiences these. Nausea is actually a good sign as it tells the doctor that the pregnancy is likely to be going on well in terms of hormones.

Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms
Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms
The most commonly looked for early sign of pregnancy is missing a menstrual period. Although you may find you have a lot of the symptoms, the only way to truly tell if you are pregnant is to obtain a positive pregnancy test. Blood tests can confirm a pregnancy within days of conception if pregnancy is suspected and you really can't wait to find out. Women should always report worrying signs or symptoms to their doctor during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an amazing phenomenon of nature that is the core of our existence. One of the easiest and best ways to avoid problems and complications during pregnancy is to get regular medical exams from your doctor or midwife. Pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman's life, and you should take care of yourself and your unborn baby. During pregnancy women are offered a range of tests which are designed to check whether the baby is developing normally and if the pregnancy is going well.

Pregnancy is a very exciting time in most women's lives, but for others an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy is not such welcome news. If the pregnancy is unexpected, you may be feeling scared or confused. This is a usual reaction to an unplanned pregnancy. There are many organizations that can and will assist, and it is always good to be able to talk to the father, friends and family to help get your feelings into perspective.
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Sunday, June 8, 2014

What To Eat When Pregnant For Your First Trimester

What to eat when pregnant first trisemester - healthy food
What to eat when pregnant first trisemester
What To Eat When Pregnant For Your First Trimester - When you first learn you're having a baby, you probably immediately begin to question your diet and wonder what to eat when pregnant. Healthy nutrition is crucial during all stages of pregnancy, but the steps you take during your first trimester help to prepare yourself for the rest of your pregnancy. Also, over the first three months, you will likely cut back on bad habits, such as drinking caffeine. You may also experience morning sickness during this part of your pregnancy. In this article, we will discuss what foods to eat while pregnant, particularly during this first trimester.

Setting the Stage for Your Pregnancy

In a way, you are setting the stage for your pregnancy by the choices you make during these first three months. But this does not mean you should immediately and completely change your entire lifestyle. Doing so could cause intense stress to yourself and your baby, which is something you should avoid throughout pregnancy. Implement these changes slowly but surely for the best effect.

For example, you can begin buying only organic produce at the supermarket, and then move on to organic dairy products and eggs during the next month. As long as you are moving in the right direction-buying organic products-then you are taking the necessary steps to keep you and your baby healthy.

Going Off Caffeine

Coffee and Caffeine effect during Pregnancy
Coffee and Caffeine effect during Pregnancy
You may be tempted to go off caffeine cold-turkey when you find that you are pregnant, but this is a bad idea. Detoxing from caffeine, particularly if you enjoy several cups of coffee or tea per day, can make you quite sick. Instead, try stepping down your consumption over time. Most physicians agree you can enjoy 150mg of caffeine per day, which is the equivalent of one cup of coffee or two cups of black tea. Begin stepping down to meet this mark, and then, if you choose to, you can switch to green teas and perhaps white or herbal teas.

Handling Morning Sickness

If you are experiencing morning sickness, it's imperative to stay nourished and hydrated. Making a tea by boiling slices of ginger in water can help. You can also make a chicken soup out of chicken, Celtic sea salt, water, garlic, parsley, and black pepper. Add ginger slices and sip on this broth slowly throughout the day.
Though many women feel that crackers are the only foods that can abate nausea, you should try to ingest protein. That's why the chicken soup is so helpful. Alternatively, you can try a handful of raw nuts, such as almonds or cashews. If you must have crackers, try rice crackers, which are easier on your digestion than wheat crackers.

Drinking Enough Water During Pregnancy

drinking water during pregnancy
drinking water during pregnancy
If you are suffering from morning sickness, drinking enough water is crucial to keeping you from dehydration. You should be drinking at least half your weight in water every day. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should be drinking 70 ounces of water. Symptoms of dehydration include: dark or scanty urine, dizziness, headache, weakness, dry skin, and chapped lips.

Dehydration during the first trimester is a particular concern because it can mean you don't have enough amniotic fluid to cushion the baby in your uterus. It can also cause health problems for you as well. If you are concerned that you are becoming dehydrated, call your OB/GYN or visit your local emergency room immediately.

These first three months, you have the opportunity to take care of your health and make your pregnancy easier on yourself and your baby by making the right choices. Simply by reading this article about What To Eat When Pregnant For Your First Trimester, you've taken an important step in the right direction. Begin implementing these changes step by step today.


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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Get Pregnant While You Have a Yeast Infection, Is it Possible ?

Many women who suffer from frequent yeast infections wonder, can you get pregnant while you have a yeast infection? Yes, you can. Simply, sperm is not killed by the presence of Candida, though the process of getting pregnant might take a little longer; therefore, yeast infections do not interfere with fertility of the eggs or the sperm.

However, many doctors recommend that while a man or woman has an infection, that they do not have sexual intercourse until the yeast infection has been treated properly. This is because the infections spread very quickly.

What exactly is a yeast infection ?

They are very common in both men and women. They are caused by the common fungus known as Candida. Most times, the acidic balance within the vagina keeps fungus from overgrowing; however, sometimes the acidity of the vagina can change due to many things such as birth control pills, menstruation, and antibiotics.

When looking for information about whether or not you can you get pregnant while you have a yeast infection you should know that all of these can encourage the growth of yeast. Light colored clothing that is moist and somewhat form fitting is also grounds for the fungus to multiply. It is important if you have a yeast infection or think you do to visit the doctor.

Yeast Infection Causes

All of us have yeast inside of our bodies. When that yeast starts to grow more then it should, we can get yeast infections. Yeast infections can by caused by many things. They can also be oral, on the skin, vaginal, and many other places.

What are the symptoms of yeast infection ?

When looking for information about whether or not you can you get pregnant while you have an infection you should know that the biggest and most common symptoms of yeast infections are a white, thick discharge and itchiness. Other symptoms are irritation, burning, and a rash on the outer part of the vagina. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to get medicine to help treat the infection. Fortunately, they are very easy to treat. You don't even have to go to the doctor; however, it is best to go during the times you don't know if what you have is a yeast infection.

How to treat yeast infections ?

They can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal medications. Diflucan, which has to be prescribed by your doctor, is another type of medication that cures yeast infections. Many treatments, depending on the kind you use, work in 1-7 days. If your infection has not gotten better since you started taking your medication, visit your doctor.

While there is no danger in having sex while taking medication to treat your infection, intercourse sometimes irritates the infected area and slows down the healing process. If possible, wait to have sexual intercourse until you are completely done taking your medication.

Despite any rumors or urban myths that you might have heard about yeast infections and fertility, they are wrong. They do not affect your chances of getting pregnant. When looking for information about whether or not you can you get pregnant while you have a yeast infection you should know that in fact, yeast infections in most women usually occur when they are pregnant and go away with treatment! If you have any other questions, contact your local doctor.
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Saturday, April 19, 2014

How to Treat Yeast Infection During Pregnancy Naturally

Yeast naturally exists in the vagina and our intestinal tract and occurs when you have an overgrowth and ultimately the yeast takes over causing an imbalance which then results in yeast infection. Pregnant women are even more prone to this because their bodies are producing extra estrogen and other hormonal changes are taking place. If you have diabetes or high blood sugar or if you have taken antibiotics, then that exasperates the situation even more.
Please do not take any oral anti fungal medications over the counter or prescribed. They are generally not safe for pregnant women. Consult your doctor on what is safe and use some tips below to help treat it naturally.
Ways you can treat yeast infections during pregnancy naturally :
1. Wear only cotton underwear, avoid taking baths, only use natural unscented personal care products, and avoid sugars and refined foods.
2. Eat foods rich in Lactobacillus acidophilus, a friendly bacteria that exists naturally in our body and helps fight excess yeast among other benefits. L. Acidophillus boosts the immune system, provides the correct balance in your gastrointestinal tract, helps with urinary tract infections, reduces chances of ulcers, and helps balance cholesterol. It is a great supplement to take even if you are not pregnant. 
Foods rich in this friendly bacteria are yogurt, fermented pickles like sauerkraut and kimchi, miso soup, tempeh, kefir, and fermented cheese. Kefir, traditionally popular in certain regions of Europe is quickly gaining popularity in the US. It is basically fermented milk and has stronger beneficial bacteria then yogurt. You can also make or buy kefir made from coconut water or juice.
3. In addition to eating foods rich in L. Acidophillus, taking a probiotic supplement is very beneficial especially if you have been on antibiotics. You can also use a liquid form of a probiotic and use it as a suppository to naturally help treat vaginal yeast. Saturate a light tampon with the liquid probiotic, insert and leave it in for 2-3 hours. This is completely safe for pregnant women as a means to treat vaginal yeast during pregnancy. I do not recommend douching with commercial products but you can do a douche with dissolving powder form of probiotic in water.
4. Using anti-fungal extracts and oils to use as natural suppositories can also be very helpful. Tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract are powerful and effective. Make sure you do dilute it in water. You can add about 10-20 drops of oil/extract to 2 cups of water.
5. One midwife has treated many of her pregnant patients with hydrogen peroxide. It safely kills the pathogenic organisms that exists in the vagina. You can buy 3% hydrogen peroxide at any drug store, it comes in a dark brown bottle. Place small quantity in a small cup and fill a syringe with it. You can dilute the hydrogen peroxide with 1 or 2 parts water if you are experiencing extreme irritation, otherwise no need to dilute. In a shower or over the toilet, take your time slowly and gently to insert the hydrogen peroxide into the vagina. You can do this safely once a day for a week.
If some of the natural therapies are not working for you (some women have deep rooted issues like diabetes and other health problems where recurrence continues despite many natural effective therapies), then i highly recommend working with a naturopathic doctor to come up with a natural solution.

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

10 Easy tips how to get pregnant easily and naturally

There are actually a host of reasons why women do not get pregnant. With the complexities of both the male and the female reproductive system, reasons for not conceiving are innumerable. But there are still ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Tip # 1. To get pregnant faster have sex three times a week.

Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulatewhen they think they will, having sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.

Tip # 2. To get pregnant faster use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.

Using an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulationprediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation.

Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are also a worthwhile investment if you would like to get pregnant faster. Fertility monitors are similar to ovulation prediction kits in that they read changes in LH but they also read changes in other hormones and don't require any guesswork for couples. They are easy to use and will tell you when the best time to get pregnant is.

Tip # 3. To get pregnant faster have sex before ovulation (not after).

Sometimes couples get confused about the best time to have sex in relationship to ovulation. You have a small window of time each month to get pregnant. After a woman ovulates the egg will survive approximately 24 hours. Sperm, on the other hand, will live for up to three to five days. This is why having sex two to three days before ovulation willincrease your chances of getting pregnant. Don't wait until the day you ovulate to have sex. Your partner's sperm will last longer than your egg and you don't want to miss anopportunity by waiting.

Tip # 4. Don't rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.

A lot of couples have heard to have sex around day fourteen of your cycle. This is based on the calendar method and assumes that you have a regular 28-day cycle and ovulate mid-cycle. Although this is better than just picking an arbitrary day to have sex, it is not a veryaccurate way to predict when you ovulate. Many women do not ovulate on day fourteen and knowing precisely when you ovulate will help you time intercourse better. Ovulationprediction kits, looking at previous months bbt charts, or watching for signs of ovulation will help you to determine when you ovulate.

Tip # 5. If you want to get pregnant faster, don't rely on fertility charting alone to predict ovulation.

Fertility Charting is great for tracking your cycle but it does have disadvantages. By the time you can see ovulation on a bbt chart, you have already ovulated. It is good to chart so you can track your cycles, see if you ovulate the same time each month, and also so you can look back on your cycle and see if you timed things right. But if this is your first cycle trying to get pregnant or if you are not ovulating at the same time each month, an ovulationprediction kit would be more helpful.

Tip # 6. Before you start trying to get pregnant see your doctor.

Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.

Tip # 7. When trying to get pregnant, don't smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs.

This may seem like common sense but many women do try to get pregnant while smoking, drinking or using drugs. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol can affect your fertility. It will also affect your unborn child. It is important to stop smoking or using drugs and alcohol before getting pregnant and not wait until you find out you are pregnant.

Tip # 8. To get pregnant faster have enjoyable sex.

Sometimes when couples are trying to conceive, sex becomes a job or function of reproduction and is not as enjoyable. Plan a romantic evening or try something different to spice things up. How you are feeling sexually may factor into your chances of getting pregnant. Some researchers believe that having an orgasm during sex increases your chances of getting pregnant. For women, the spasmic movements of orgasm will help pull the sperm into the uterus and for men a better orgasm may increase the man's sperm count.

Tip # 9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.

The missionary position is a good position to use when trying to get pregnant. Avoid positions where the woman is on top. Gravity will allow sperm to leak out with these positions. Also try placing a pillow under your hips to help tilt your pelvis and keep the sperm in longer. Don't get up right after sex. Try to relax and allow the sperm to stay in the vagina as long as possible.

Tip # 10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.

Most couples get pregnant within a year of trying. If you have not gotten pregnant within a year consult your doctor for advice.

If you have tried everything to increase your chances of getting pregnant and found no success, don't lose hope. Did you know that there are changes you can make in your life to solve fertility problems and increase your chances of getting pregnant, no matter how hard you've tried before.

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Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - Safe and Naturally

Women are more easily to develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy. It is in their first trimester that hemorrhoids in pregnancy usually develops but there are some pregnant mothers that get them while in labor especially at the phase of pushing the baby out.

The good news about pregnancy and hemorrhoids is that the hemorrhoids pregnancy produces will disappear after giving birth. But this does not mean that the hemorrhoid pregnancy produces should not be treated, especially during one of the more uncomfortable phases in a woman's life and especially so for bleeding hemorrhoids pregnancy might produce.

What ever may be the decision you make in treating your hemorrhoids during pregnancy, the most important thing that you should keep in mind is to avoid any form of treatment or medication that may be harmful to yourself or your baby and the way to effectively treat hemorrhoids pregnancy produces is by practising natural hemorrhoids treatment and a proper hemorrhoids home care. This is not something difficult to do as you will soon see, involving mainly a slight change in your diet and a slight adjustment to how you go about your day to day activities. Nothing too drastic and nothing too difficult.

Hemorrhoids diet during pregnancy

Pregnant women who develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy should consume food that are easy to digest and moves quickly through the digestive system. Not practising this basic rule will result in constipation which will further aggravate the hemorrhoids pregnancy produced and may even cause new hemorrhoids to form. They key to a successful hemorrhoids diet is fiber, which helps soften the stool and encourages good bowel movement. Below, I will provide a list of some of the food which will help to relieve hemorrhoids somewhat and help reduce bleeding hemorrhoids pregnancy may sometimes cause:

Dark green leafy vegetables: These are an excellent source of fiber plus vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy, such as vitamins A, C, and K, folate, iron and calcium.

• Flax seeds: These are high in fiber and a great source for 3-omega oils and are high in fiber.

• Lima and butter beans: These are high in iron, the basic ingredient in building blood cells.

• Blackstrap molasses: An excellent source of calcium, iron, copper, manganese, potassium and magnesium in a low fat, low calorie form. Blackstrap molasses are known to be successful in treating external wounds and because molasses is high in iron, nutritionists often recommend it to pregnant and lactating women.

• Sweet potatoes: These provide pregnant mothers with the proper nutrients they need to strengthen their blood vessels and boost immunity.

• Onion, ginger and garlic: These contain nutrients that fight excessive fibrin in the body, which causes blood congestion and inflammation.

These are some of the food items that should be included in your diet when treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The food that you should avoid as much as possible are all items that cause constipation, which will in turn worsen hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The food that you should reduce on or avoid include any item that contains animal products, coffee, red meat, rice, alcohol, bad fats.

Hemorrhoids home care during pregnancy

Medication should be avoided when treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy unless specifically prescribed by a licensed physician. The good news is that hemorrhoids pregnancy produces will go away after labor, so your efforts should be not on finding a cure but on reducing the discomfort you may be experiencing now. Here are some excellent hemorrhoids home care treatments that you could do.

• Sitz baths: Just like its name implies, a Sitz Bath is where you sit in a tub of warm water hip high for 15 minutes two or three times daily.

• Ice packs: The cold helps to immediately reduce the pain and swelling temporarily.

• Pomegranade juice compresses: Good for external hemorrhoids this should be applied on the anus area, bringing quick relief of hemorrhoid symptoms.

• Mixed berry juice: Drinking mixed berry juice each day works wonder for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and is a perfect solution for eliminating hemorrhoids in pregnant women

If you are suffering very badly from hemorrhoids in pregnancy, please consult with your obstetric provider for hemorrhoid medication.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Early Pregnancy Back Pain, is it normal ?

Early pregnancy back pain is a normal phenomenon in this most beautiful period of a woman's life. Most of the expectant mothers witness some degree of back pain during the early phase of pregnancy and this pain generally subsides after about 20 weeks. Backache or spasm, which is reflected by stretching of muscles or burning pain in the left or the right side of the quadrant, is normally the result of the softening of the supporting ligaments and disks due to an increase in the progesterone hormone during the early stage.

In some cases, urinary infection during pregnancy can also result in pain in the back amongst pregnant women. The extra weight of a pregnant women's body and the change in her center of gravity also result in backaches and pain.

Remedies For Early Pregnancy Back Pain

The most important and safe remedy for the treatment of early pregnancy back pain is exercising. This is mainly because certain medications for back related pain is contraindicated during early pregnancy. Walking, pelvic rocking, bridging (done by lying down on the floor, bending your knees and lifting your buttocks into air), mini-crunches (done by lying down on the floor), bending your knees and lifting your head on exhalation, are good exercises for relief from pack pain during early pregnancy. Pregnant women do these exercises on their own to relieve back pain.

The right body posture and good body mechanics also play an important role in keeping one free of early pregnancy back pain. The right posture for prevention of back pain is standing straight and tall. However, the importance for correct postures is as essential in early pregnancy as before that. However, in late pregnancy, as the uterus becomes big, one tends to pull back her shoulders to offset the additional weight, which results in a back strain. You can reduce this pain during later stages in such a position by frequently changing your sitting position and avoiding standing for long periods.

Adequate rest and sleep are also essential for avoiding or eliminating early pregnancy back pain. You should take proper rest and avoid strenuous activities to avoid it during your pregnancy. You can also do normal yoga exercises to eliminate minor pain. However, if it persists you should consult your doctor and take proper medication for relief from back pain. In some cases of pain in the back, doctors may prescribe physiotherapy for relief. Massages and use of special mattresses are also effective for back pain relief during pregnancy.
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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

6 Home Remedies That Will Help You Get Pregnant

If you are looking for home remedies that will help you get pregnant you've come to the right place. Sometimes couples need a little extra boost to help conceive. It may even take longer than expected. This tends to upset most couples and ends up driving them apart with thoughts of inadequacy. There are many reasons why getting pregnant can be tough. You don't have to rush off to the doctor if you are worried either. Try a few of these home remedies to help you get pregnant.

Number 1 - If you are using lubricants during intercourse, you may be defeating the purpose of trying to get pregnant. Sometimes these lubricants contain spermicides that actually can keep you from becoming pregnant. A natural alternative is egg whites. They will help reduce the friction and have no pregnancy preventing side effects. Since egg whites are pure protein and so is sperm, they will not harm you.

Number 2 - Women sometimes prefer to use feminine products such as douches to keep clean and fresh. When you use a douche you lower your chances of becoming pregnant by at least thirty percent. Just by simply avoiding this habit while you are trying to get pregnant, you can improve your chances of conceiving.

Number 3 - In case you are worried that your partner's sperm is not reaching the target, you can raise your legs up for twenty minutes after intercourse and improve the chances. This helps keep the semen inside for a longer period of time and can help you become pregnant sooner. While this may seem ridiculous, it is a proven method that should be taken seriously.

Number 4 - This is more than likely one of the easiest remedies that most people do not try. Relax and take it easy. Enjoy your time with your partner. It will feel so much better knowing you made a baby together that did not feel like a clinical process. Stress is not helpful at all when it comes to trying to get pregnant. When women are stressed it tends to interfere with their menstrual cycles. This alone can keep a woman from becoming pregnant. Slow down, enjoy yourselves and do not put pressure on your partner.

Number 5 - Men in particular can take more Zinc. A good way to increase your zinc levels as the same time is to eat oysters. You get a natural level of zinc from them with the added boost of antioxidants and the effects of aphrodisiacs. The amino acids in oysters also help increase a man's hormones. Zinc also helps men produce an abundant amount of sperm. When your partner increases their amount of foods that naturally contain zinc, the chances of becoming pregnant are even better. Foods that contain zinc naturally are lobster, clams, oatmeal, whole wheat products, turkey, salmon, brown rice, spinach, and chicken.

Number 6 - Vitamin supplements for both you and your partner are another great way to increase anti-oxidants and give your bodies that extra boost that can help you remain not only healthy but ready to conceive. Slow down, enjoy yourselves because those full nights of rest will soon be over once have a baby together.
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Revealed, getting pregnant at 40 naturally

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant naturally after age 40. Pregnancy may take longer to achieve at this age, and if a woman has already started skipping periods or has irregular cycles each month, her fertility may already be impaired. How can a woman over 40 maximize her chances of conceiving naturally? First, it helps to understand how ovulation occurs. Then, a woman can use several natural methods to identify when ovulation takes place.

Understanding Ovulation

Each month, a fertile woman's body releases an egg from her ovaries. To begin this process, on the first day of menstruation, a woman's body starts to secrete certain hormones. These hormones activate the development of follicles, containing immature eggs, in the ovaries. In one of these follicles, an egg will start to develop more rapidly than the others and will soon be released.

About a day before ovulation, the hormones estrogen and luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, and the egg sets out from its follicle. This entire process, from menstruation until ovulation, takes anywhere from 10 to 21 days, averaging 14 days. If pregnancy does not occur right after ovulation, the egg disintegrates, and menstruation begins again within a couple of weeks.

Charting Cycles

Understanding how ovulation works can help a woman over 40 estimate the best time to have intercourse. Overall, if a woman in her early forties attempts to get pregnant with natural conception, she will have a five percent chance of conceiving each month. This is far less than the 20 percent chance of getting pregnant she had at age 30. To maximize her chances of getting pregnant, women over 40 should pay attention to several indicators of ovulation.
Temperature Spikes During Ovulation

One way to determine when ovulation occurs is to check the basal body temperature (BBT) on a daily basis. If a woman is dedicated to getting pregnant naturally after 40, BBT readings can be very helpful. How? When a woman's egg is released and luteinizing hormone surges, her BBT spikes. The BBT, which is usually lowest during the first part of a woman's cycle, spikes during ovulation and then stays high until menstruation begins. The BBT spike usually takes place about 10 to 14 days after menstruation begins.

How to Check the Basal Body Temperature

To get pregnant naturally after 40, begin by purchasing a basal thermometer. Each morning, before getting out of bed, take a temperature with the basal thermometer. Chart the temperature on a calendar each day and patterns will emerge. Once the temperature spikes, the egg has already been released, and ovulation has likely occurred. Once a woman knows the average day of her temperature spike each month, intercourse can be planned for that time. The most fertile days are several days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation itself.

Cervical Mucus Changes Before Ovulation

Changes in cervical secretions are another sign that ovulation is approaching. After menstrual bleeding ends, many women will notice that their cervix feels pretty dry to slightly wet for a week or two. As ovulation approaches, most women will notice that vaginal moisture increases. Several days before ovulation, thick, slippery cervical mucus starts to discharge from the vagina. The closer one gets to ovulation, the more wet and stretchy this cervical mucus becomes. By ovulation day the discharge often has the consistency of egg whites.

Women over 40 can take advantage of these changes. By examining the cervical mucus discharged from her vagina on a daily basis, she can estimate when ovulation will occur. The texture and wetness of the cervical mucus can be charted on the same calendar as the BBT, helping a woman estimate when to time intercourse to achieve pregnancy. Often after ovulation occurs, the mucus disappears within a day or two.

Likelihood of Pregnancy Occurring After 40

As of 2010 in the United States, the March of Dimes reports that 20 percent of women wait until after age 35 to have their first child. Wanting to conceive after age 40 has become common, yet almost one in three women between 40 and 44 are infertile. Trying to get pregnant after 40 can also be hampered by a rise in miscarriage rates. Between 40 and 44, one in three pregnancies end in miscarriage. After 45, more than half of pregnancies will be spontaneously aborted. To boost the chances of conceiving after 40, women can chart their BBT and cervical mucus in the hopes of getting pregnant naturally. 

Don’t let your age (or your doctors) discourage you from trying to get pregnant. You simply have to maximize your body’s readiness to take full advantage of every ovulatory cycle.

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Monday, April 14, 2014

3 Safe Exercises for Pregnant Women

Although it may seem dangerous to do exercise while you are pregnant, there are a lot of great benefits you gain from it if you do it the right way. When you are pregnant, you only want to take part in low-impact exercises. In this article, we examine three safe exercises you can do while you are pregnant. As your stomach becomes more bloated, your exercise routine will have to change in order to accommodate the physiological changes.

The first exercise for pregnant women should do is swimming. The objective should be to swim at a slow but steady pace. Swimming helps you strengthen the core muscles across your body and that will become very important once your stomach gets big. There will be a lot of stress inflicted on your back so you want to make sure you have a strong back before your stomach area gets too heavy.

Swimming is the safest exercise a pregnant woman can take part in because there isn't any major physical resistance inflicted on the body. Swimming twice a week can also help you reduce any stress that comes with being pregnant. There are plenty of swimming classes that accommodate for pregnant ladies so go for a trial and see how much benefits you can gain from taking swimming classes.

The second exercise for pregnant women should take part in is yoga. However, it isn't ideal to just join any yoga class because there are certain movements that'll become more difficult as your belly gets bigger. Instead of joining a normal class, you should look for prenatal yoga classes that are specifically designed for pregnant ladies.

The instructors for these courses have a lot of experience training pregnant women so you'll gain more benefits out of doing yoga if you sign up for such courses. Yoga also has a huge benefit in relaxing your mind so it will help you both physically and mentally. Once you have given birth, there are also postnatal exercises one can take part in to reduce the physical stress that comes with giving birth to a child.

The third exercise you should consider is strength & resistance exercises. The focus for these exercises is to build your muscle endurance so your body is better handled for all the physical pressure that is to come with being pregnant. A lot of ladies highly recommend exercises such as push-ups because they help immensely in improving the core strength of your body.

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Saturday, April 12, 2014

May I Reuse A Digital or Home Pregnancy Test ?

Can you reuse a pregnancy test is a question many women. Perhaps the test you used this morning didn't give you the answer you wanted. Perhaps you're asking this question because you think you used a pregnancy test incorrectly and did not receive the correct result because of your mistakes. There are an infinite number of reasons a woman might ask if you can reuse a test, but the answer is always the same.
Will A Used Pregnancy Test Work?

In short, the answer is no. A used test will not work at any time, even if the result on the test is negative. Pregnancy tests are very specific and very scientific, even if they seem like nothing more than a stick that ends up covered in your urine responsible for your tears of either heartbreak or happiness.

Pregnancy tests are used to detect the pregnancy hormone that is present in your urine when you become pregnant. How does it do this? It does this with the absorbent tip on the end of your test. You might not think this small part of your test is all that important, but it is. This small part is actually more than a piece of test on which you urinate. It's medically designed so that it can detect a very specific chemical in your urine. If that chemical is present, then you are pregnant. There are test strips and chemicals inside every test designed to look for this pregnancy hormone. For this reason, you cannot use a test a second time. Once it's been used, the chemicals have been compromised and the chances of your test working a second time are not good.

May I Reuse A Home Pregnancy Test?

No, you cannot reuse a home pregnancy test. Once it has been used one time it is no longer capable of detecting pregnancy hormones in your urine. Those little lines you look for in hopes of seeing a second one appear are equipped with dye that changes color when it is met with the pregnancy hormone. If you are not pregnant and you use that test, you might think that you can reuse it because the dye was not used. However, even though the dye was not used does not make this a test worth using again. This is an invalid test you should immediately discard.

One of the main reasons for this is something called an evaporation line. Once you use a test, the lines are only valid for a short period of time. After this time, the urine inside the test and on top of the lines begins to evaporate. This leads to evaporation lines. These are lines that show the shadow of the actual test strip because it's been contaminated with urine. By reusing a home test, you might actually cause evaporation lines to appear darker, which can be easily mistaken for a positive pregnancy test result.

May I Reuse A Digital Pregnancy Test?

Much like any other test, you cannot reuse a digital test. There are so many reasons why you cannot. For one, it is highly unsanitary to play with a used pregnancy test that is covered in urine. It's filthy. Secondly, the test is now invalid. And invalid test, no matter for which reason it is considered invalid, is not going to provide you with an accurate pregnancy result.

Invalid digital tests are not going to provide you with an answer. Once the dye in the test is met with urine and the digital test says that you are not pregnant, the "not" in front of pregnant is not going to disappear. Using the test a second time, even if you do have enough of the pregnancy hormone in your urine to detect on the test, is not going to magically make the not in front of pregnant disappear. It's simply an invalid test.

What you can do with a used digital pregnancy test, however, is get rid of it immediately after you use it and see the results. You no longer need it. There is no reason to hold onto a test like this in hopes that you will get a different result later. Even if you are pregnant enough to detect at a later date, it's not going to show up on this particular test. Throw it away and buy a new pregnancy test.

All Pregnancy Tests Can Only Be Used Once

There's a lot you might not know about home tests. They seem like sticks that you urinate on. That can't be overly important, can it? How can something you use the restroom on be important? Well, it is. There are chemicals and scientifically designed traits in each pregnancy test that are used to detect pregnancy using the hCG levels in a woman's urine. When those levels are high enough to detect, a test will issue a positive result.

When they are not high enough to detect or they simply are not there, no test will detect them.
Despite seeming like simple objects, pregnancy tests are complicated. They will not work a second time. Once they have been exposed to your urine, they no longer possess the chemical needed to react to the hCG in your urine. If your test can't detect it, it won't appear.

If you want to take another pregnancy test, consider simply buying a new one. If you want to reuse a test because you've already taken so many and spent so much money on them, head to your nearest pregnancy resource center or health department. They will issue a test free of charge. It's a brand new test that's never been used. You can count on those results. Just remember, pregnancy tests are only 99 percent accurate when you use them on or after the first day of your missed period. Otherwise, they are less accurate based on the fact that hCG levels in all women's bodies are uniquely different. Can you reuse a pregnancy test? No, you cannot reuse a pregnancy test.
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Monday, April 7, 2014

Unusual and Strange Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Early Pregnancy Symptoms - You must have heard of those common pregnancy symptoms and must have been mentally prepared for them. But, are you prepared for one of those highly unusual very early pregnancy symptoms ? At times, pregnancy symptoms can be extremely varying and unpredictable. Those symptoms raise height of anxiety and confusion, making it very difficult for women to detect their pregnancy. Many expecting mothers also get confused if those symptoms indicate complications or not, while some even fail to notify their doctors being unaware of their influence on pregnancy. Hence, getting familiar to the strange early pregnancy symptoms is important for all women who are expecting.

Unexpected Pregnancy Symptoms That You May Expect During Pregnancy

Many pregnant women report that they have not come across any of those prevalent pregnancy symptoms like fainting or dizziness or even bleeding. Dies it mean, they were not sent any signs of pregnancy by their body. Probably, they have been. Probably, they have failed to comprehend those signals as positive signs of pregnancy. Therefore, as soon as you get to know what unusual early pregnancy symptoms you are likely to come across, you will be prepared for them and can consult your doctor, accordingly. A list of those symptoms is given below :

1. Spider Veins - Appearance or the veins surrounding chest and upper arms getting prominent is one of the very unusual early pregnancy symptoms. This is one symptom what most women hate and fret over. However, doctors suggest there is nothing to get apprehended about the spider veins as it simply results from an increased blood flow in the body and then being carried over to different vital areas of the body.

2. Nasal Congestion - If you feel your nose to get clogged during pregnancy, you should know it happens due to nasal congestion. This is regarded as one of the unusual early pregnancy symptoms that may lead to having discomforting nights as you have felt during flu. You nose may often bleed even if during a perfect weather with no signs of cold. Consult your doctor to detect pregnancy.

3. Metallic Taste - You may feel metallic taste often during pregnancy. Metal tastes are considered one of the unusual early pregnancy symptoms and are caused due to hormonal changes in your body.

4. Flatulence - Flatulence or arousal of gases are the most embarrassing early pregnancy symptoms. To avoid this symptom, get your diet chart corrected by a specialist.

5. Production of Excessive Saliva - Many expecting mothers feel excess of saliva in their mouth. These excessive saliva productions lead nausea symptom even more discomforting and make it very hard for pregnant mothers to deal with these unusual early pregnancy symptoms. Your mouth may drool even when you are sleeping.

6. Cramping in legs - If you happen to wake up in pains in your legs at midnight, you should include this among early pregnancy symptoms that is not very common. Blame on scarcity of calcium in your body or other causes during pregnancy, talk to your doctor to find ways to reduce it.

7. Facial Hair And Pigmentation - Though women do not hesitate to spend bucks for removal of facial hair, but they may face an increase in facial hair along with facial pigmentation during the course of pregnancy. These are unusual early pregnancy symptoms, but not rare. Therefore, instead of chemical usage, consult with your doctor to alleviate these problems.

Whenever you face any of the unusual early pregnancy symptoms, do not delay, and rush to your physician about its effects on your pregnancy or to reduce discomforts of those symptoms.

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

7 Very Early Signs of Pregnancy That You Might Be Pregnant

Early Pregnancy Signs - Indeed, the only way to find out if you are pregnant or not is to take a pregnancy test, but often it may not be the right time to get accurate results. However, if you stay watchful for the following early signs of pregnancy, then you will know beforehand what to expect from the pregnancy test that you will be taking, and these 7 Early Pregnancy Signs :

1. Fatigue
Perhaps the most common symptom of early pregnancy is extreme fatigue that cannot be explained. If you believe that you may be pregnant, then avoid drinking caffeinated beverages to treat it. Instead, take things easy and give your body as much rest as you can.

2. Food Aversions
You could be pregnant if looking at food makes you gag and wince. Such food aversions are reported by many women as one of the first early pregnancy symptoms. An increase in the levels of the hormone beta-hCG hormone is regard as the cause of these food aversions.

3. Frequent Urination
Growth of the uterus and the pressure this puts on the bladder in early pregnancy can trigger the urge to urinate more frequently. This is one of the early signs of pregnancy that cannot be avoided, but you can get a little more sleep if you go to the bathroom before you go to bed.

4. Nausea & Vomiting
One of Early Pregnancy Signs that you might be pregnant includes nausea and vomiting, which can be blamed on the fact that hormone levels tend to rise in early pregnancy. Morning sickness is only an indication of growing pregnancy and you can reassure yourself that it will probably pass after 19 weeks.

5. Sensitivity to Smells
During the early stages of pregnancy, you may start getting queasy because of smells were pleasing and those that were never pleasant but still never did so before. For some women who are not sure whether they are expecting or not, this can be a tip-off.

6. Shortness of Breath
If you have just become pregnant, one of the early pregnancy symptoms is that you may feel a bit short of breath, perhaps even through pregnancy. This is because extra oxygen is needed for the growing embryo; however, if the breathlessness gets really concerning, it would be better to consulting with a doctor.

7. Swelling & Tenderness in the Breasts
Another early sign that you might be pregnant is changes in your breasts, especially swelling and tenderness. The best thing that can be done is to wear a better bra, perhaps a sports bra for more support.

Early Pregnancy Signs tend to vary from one woman to another, but the above early signs of pregnancy are typically experienced by most women who are expecting.
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