Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to stay healthy during pregnancy ?

how to stay healthy during pregnancy
how to stay healthy during pregnancy
How to stay healthy during pregnancy - For most women, pregnancy is a time of great joy, excitement and anticipation. Pregnancy is a time of physical and emotional change when lots of changes occur naturally within your body. If you are a smoker, then use your pregnancy, or the time when you are planning pregnancy to quit smoking and stay quit after the baby is born. Maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of non-syndromic orofacial clefts in infants. Smoking during pregnancy is a very bad choice. Pregnancy is a time to "listen'' to your body - it is not a time to be dieting, and trying to lose weight.

How to have a Healthy Pregnancy ?

The key to a healthy pregnancy is planning it in the first place. Eating well can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy newborn - Healthy mum, healthy pregnancy. If you try to stay as healthy as you can during your pregnancy this will give you the best chance of delivering a healthy baby at full term.
As an expectant mother, your top priority should be healthy eating. Eating well should begin before you become pregnant so your body will be stocked up with the nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy.

Shortly after finding out that you have conceived you should see a doctor, as your doctor can explain to you about healthy pregnancy weight gain. Staying healthy is doubly important when you're pregnant.
Exercise is also an important part of a healthy pregnancy, exercise can help you return to your pre-pregnancy weight faster and also have a faster, easier birth.

Adequate sleep is essential to promote a healthy pregnancy. Talking with a health care provider is one of the
how to have a healthy pregnancy
how to have a healthy pregnancy
most important things women and families can do to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. Even before conception, it is absolutely essential to plan for a healthy pregnancy. A healthy lifestyle, even before you become pregnant is the best way to give your baby a healthy start. If you're planning to become pregnant, prepare for a healthy pregnancy by taking care of medical and dental concerns beforehand. Pregnancy is NOT the time to be on a weight loss program.

What Are The First or the earliest pregnancy Symptoms ?

In my experience, very earliest pregnancy symptoms  are not always text book. There are many different signs and symptoms of pregnancy, and although most women expect certain symptoms to come with pregnancy, these do vary according to individual women and to their individual pregnancies. The earliest symptoms of pregnancy are generally nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness, but not everybody experiences these. Nausea is actually a good sign as it tells the doctor that the pregnancy is likely to be going on well in terms of hormones.

Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms
Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms
The most commonly looked for early sign of pregnancy is missing a menstrual period. Although you may find you have a lot of the symptoms, the only way to truly tell if you are pregnant is to obtain a positive pregnancy test. Blood tests can confirm a pregnancy within days of conception if pregnancy is suspected and you really can't wait to find out. Women should always report worrying signs or symptoms to their doctor during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an amazing phenomenon of nature that is the core of our existence. One of the easiest and best ways to avoid problems and complications during pregnancy is to get regular medical exams from your doctor or midwife. Pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman's life, and you should take care of yourself and your unborn baby. During pregnancy women are offered a range of tests which are designed to check whether the baby is developing normally and if the pregnancy is going well.

Pregnancy is a very exciting time in most women's lives, but for others an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy is not such welcome news. If the pregnancy is unexpected, you may be feeling scared or confused. This is a usual reaction to an unplanned pregnancy. There are many organizations that can and will assist, and it is always good to be able to talk to the father, friends and family to help get your feelings into perspective.
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Sunday, June 8, 2014

What To Eat When Pregnant For Your First Trimester

What to eat when pregnant first trisemester - healthy food
What to eat when pregnant first trisemester
What To Eat When Pregnant For Your First Trimester - When you first learn you're having a baby, you probably immediately begin to question your diet and wonder what to eat when pregnant. Healthy nutrition is crucial during all stages of pregnancy, but the steps you take during your first trimester help to prepare yourself for the rest of your pregnancy. Also, over the first three months, you will likely cut back on bad habits, such as drinking caffeine. You may also experience morning sickness during this part of your pregnancy. In this article, we will discuss what foods to eat while pregnant, particularly during this first trimester.

Setting the Stage for Your Pregnancy

In a way, you are setting the stage for your pregnancy by the choices you make during these first three months. But this does not mean you should immediately and completely change your entire lifestyle. Doing so could cause intense stress to yourself and your baby, which is something you should avoid throughout pregnancy. Implement these changes slowly but surely for the best effect.

For example, you can begin buying only organic produce at the supermarket, and then move on to organic dairy products and eggs during the next month. As long as you are moving in the right direction-buying organic products-then you are taking the necessary steps to keep you and your baby healthy.

Going Off Caffeine

Coffee and Caffeine effect during Pregnancy
Coffee and Caffeine effect during Pregnancy
You may be tempted to go off caffeine cold-turkey when you find that you are pregnant, but this is a bad idea. Detoxing from caffeine, particularly if you enjoy several cups of coffee or tea per day, can make you quite sick. Instead, try stepping down your consumption over time. Most physicians agree you can enjoy 150mg of caffeine per day, which is the equivalent of one cup of coffee or two cups of black tea. Begin stepping down to meet this mark, and then, if you choose to, you can switch to green teas and perhaps white or herbal teas.

Handling Morning Sickness

If you are experiencing morning sickness, it's imperative to stay nourished and hydrated. Making a tea by boiling slices of ginger in water can help. You can also make a chicken soup out of chicken, Celtic sea salt, water, garlic, parsley, and black pepper. Add ginger slices and sip on this broth slowly throughout the day.
Though many women feel that crackers are the only foods that can abate nausea, you should try to ingest protein. That's why the chicken soup is so helpful. Alternatively, you can try a handful of raw nuts, such as almonds or cashews. If you must have crackers, try rice crackers, which are easier on your digestion than wheat crackers.

Drinking Enough Water During Pregnancy

drinking water during pregnancy
drinking water during pregnancy
If you are suffering from morning sickness, drinking enough water is crucial to keeping you from dehydration. You should be drinking at least half your weight in water every day. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should be drinking 70 ounces of water. Symptoms of dehydration include: dark or scanty urine, dizziness, headache, weakness, dry skin, and chapped lips.

Dehydration during the first trimester is a particular concern because it can mean you don't have enough amniotic fluid to cushion the baby in your uterus. It can also cause health problems for you as well. If you are concerned that you are becoming dehydrated, call your OB/GYN or visit your local emergency room immediately.

These first three months, you have the opportunity to take care of your health and make your pregnancy easier on yourself and your baby by making the right choices. Simply by reading this article about What To Eat When Pregnant For Your First Trimester, you've taken an important step in the right direction. Begin implementing these changes step by step today.


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